Human rights specialization for court translators and interpreters: reconstructing the human rights narratives


  • Emilio V. Carranza-Gallardo

Palabras clave:

accusatory criminal justice system, human rights, judicial interpreters, legal translation, specialized translation


The article examines the substantial change that
has occurred in the narratives of justice within the
accusatory criminal justice system in Mexico.
This new reality has forced the field of
Translation and Interpretation Studies to
incorporate human rights into it. Using the
qualitative and the conceptual analysis
methodology, the author proposes English
equivalences for a selection of 30 Spanish terms,
based on human rights, that the court interpreter
must know. As a result, the need of a conceptual
terminology division for interpreters between
criminal procedure law and international human
rights law becomes apparent.





Symposium on Applied Sciences for Solving Society's Issues